“When times are good, you should advertise. When times are bad, you must advertise.” Yes, this is another post about COVID-19, but this one is different! Unlike so much happening in our…
Social Customer Care During Times of Crisis
Things move rapidly on social media. While we always work toward preventing crises before they start and being prepared for when they do, even the best preparation likely did not prepare you…
Work From Home… Like A Boss.
12 Apps for Pumping Up Your Productivity
Ready to make major strides in both your personal and professional life? Whether you need to increase focus, become better organized, find a little inspiration, or connect and collaborate, there’s an app…
A Look Back at the Biggest Social Media Updates of 2019
The only constant thing in social media is the landscape is always changing. From revamped features and changing platform restrictions to the rise of a new social network, it’s a challenge to stay…
Pro Tips for Creating a Digital Mood Board
Who doesn’t love a mood board? It’s the modern technology geek’s dream collaging activity. The truth is, you can write about a look and feel until your face turns blue, but there’s…
Find the Right Influencers for Your Brand: Here’s How
The buzz around influencers is getting louder and as social platforms recognize the power behind the content they create, features available to track, engage, and maximize impact are better than ever. But…
Instagram Captions: The Breakdown
Established primarily as a photo-sharing app, it’s clear visuals reign supreme on Instagram. But while it’s true a photo is worth a thousand words, captions deserve just as much forethought and careful…
Top 10 Tips for Writing Killer Content
When it comes to marketing, words can move mountains — or at least create major buzz around your brand. But before you think just stringing together any words will do, make sure…
How to Get Permission for User Generated Content
With an overwhelming 93% of consumers citing user generated content (UGC) as an influence in purchasing decisions, the value is clear. However, regardless of the strategy you use for encouraging customers to…